Planning - Stop Motion

Ideas Generation

We came up with some ideas to create a title sequence for a television show called 'Dress Up Fridays' by using stop motion animation. Tajdid, from our group came up with a concept title logo.

Dress Up Fridays

Our idea is to fill about 30 seconds. It will be shot in one of our houses. We will start upstairs and make our way downstairs and along the way, everyday chores will be completed in stop motion form as the camera goes by. We will then make our way to the television and that is where the above logo will appear.

Assets & Stats
Location - House ( Yet to be decided which house we'll choose )
Duration - 25-30 seconds

We wanted the idea to revolve around a family household and we began to write down things that were associated with families and houses. 

- chores ( hoovering, dishes and ironing )
- work
- clothes
- tea & coffee

How we came up with the idea

The idea came to myself and Carl when we began brainstorming and discussing various things we wanted to include and exclude. The main thing to us was to keep it from being too cheesy. We were inspired a great deal by PES, a stop motion filmmaker who gained fame throughout YouTube. One of his most popular videos had a very homely feeling which we wanted to replicate as it was relevant to the brief.

Here are the sketches of our product which I drew to get an idea of what the project will look like.

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